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Champion Sportsman's Club Member Concealed Weapon Permit Class (CWP).

Check out our availability and book the date and time that works for you

Range Policies and Rules


Obeying safety rules ensures an efficient and orderly club operation. All members and guests are required to adhere to all Federal, South Carolina State, and local laws, at all times, while on the range premises. Any violation of these procedures, policies, restrictions, and regulations should be reported to a club officer immediately. Violations will be investigated and may result in disciplinary action.


General Information

  • Every Member has a DUTY to report rules violations and unsafe acts.

  • Members must provide their own ammunition, paper targets, staplers, and tape. However, some items may be purchased on site.

  • Please note that the range is monitored with closed circuit cameras for the safety of all members and guests of the facility.

  • Damage or destruction of Champion Defense property of any kind will not be tolerated and may incur a penalty, require compensation, or result in removal from the facility.


Safety Rules

  • Before anyone moves forward of the firing line, all firearms on the firing line must be holstered or laid on the table, muzzle pointed down range, slides open, magazines out, cylinders open and empty. 

  • Anyone seeing an unsafe condition must declare a cease-fire.

  • Every shooter has the personal responsibility to make sure that each bullet fired impacts safely in the berm or steel target.

  • Loading and unloading of guns must be done only on the firing line.

  • ALWAYS wear safety glasses and ear protection while on a "hot" range (meaning when guns are loaded, and people are shooting).

  • ALWAYS keep the gun pointed in a safe direction, downrange toward the targets.

  • ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to fire.

  • ALWAYS keep the action open with the gun unloaded, benched, and muzzle pointed in a safe direction or keep the handgun holstered when someone is downrange.

  • DO NOT handle any firearm when someone is downrange.

  • ALWAYS treat guns as if they are loaded.

  • Firing is NOT permitted in any other direction other than downrange into the target or berm.

  • Signs, target frames/stands, and barricades are NOT impact areas.

  • NO firing is allowed over or to the sides of the berm. 

  • NO firing in areas not designated as Shooting Bays.


Range Hours


  • The Champion Defense Range Facility is open to members and guests from Tuesday to Thursday 11:30am to 5:00pm Friday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM and on Sunday from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

  • Champion Defense may periodically be closed to members or guests either during the week or on weekends due to scheduled events. To keep up to date on the range schedule, be sure to visit the calendar page on our website (, social media or via our newsletter.

  • Champion Defense will be closed on the following holidays: Easter, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day.





Procedures For Using the Range

  • To enter the controlled area of the property, you must use a gate access card at the card reader by the entrance. This will open the motorized gate. The gate is timed for one vehicle only, so please DO NOT tailgate as Champion Defense will not be responsible for any damage to vehicles.

  • Each person that is granted access to the Shooting Complex will be issued a gate access card. That card is only permitted to be used by the person to whom it was issued. At NO TIME should the gate access card be used to grant access to anyone other than the designated person. Please note that any violation of this rule can cause deactivation of the gate access card and possible revocation to the range facility.

  • If a member forgets their club issued gate card, they must stop into the office and show identification to obtain a temporary gate access card to the range facility for that day.

  • Before setting up your equipment, even if the RED LIGHTS/ALARM are not activated, please check to ensure that no one is down range.

  • Before going down range to place your target, activate the RED LIGHT/ALARM switch on the top right corner of the left bay to notify other shooters that the range is turning cold. Then check to ensure that no one is shooting and that the firing line is safe before moving forward.

  • Clean the area used and be sure to pick up any spent brass when you are finished shooting.

  • Place ammunition misfires (duds) in the containers located on each range. DO NOT throw ammunition in the grass, under the bench, in garbage cans, or in the brass barrel.

  • To exit the property, use your gate access card at the exit card reader to open the gate. If you are a guest, be sure to return the temporary gate access card to the office and collect your ID before leaving.

  • For safety reasons, loitering is prohibited in the controlled area of the property. The controlled area consists of the area of the range facility inside the fenced in area.

  • Smoking is prohibited near the firing lines or within the bays. When smoking elsewhere, please be mindful as well as respectful of other patrons and dispose of your cigarette butts appropriately.

  • Eye and Ear Protection are both mandatory while shooting within any of the bays.

  • Please be sure to follow ALL safety procedures while using the range for your safety as well as others.

  • No brass collection!! You are free to collect your own empty casing after shooting.  However, members, guest, or customers are not allowed to roam the range to collect brass. 



  • Members are required to bring their guests to the office to sign in on the guest sign-in log, and have the guest sign a waiver before entering the controlled area, if they have not previously done so.

  • Members are required to always accompany their guests while on the range.

  • Members are responsible for their guest's conduct and safe gun handling.

  • Day Pass guests are required to adhere to the same policies, procedures, rules, and regulations while using the range and on Champion Defense premises.

  • All SC State laws, pertaining to the use of firearms, must be adhered to regardless of membership.



The following restrictions apply to ALL members/guests when using any of the ranges or facilities.

  • NO alcoholic beverages are allowed on the Champion Defense premises at any time.

  • NO armor piercing, tracer, or incendiary ammunition.

  • NO bottles, cans, glass, or any other similar items are to be used as targets. 

  • NO exploding targets.

  • NO personal steel targets.

  • NO firing from the hip.

  • NO bump firing.

Range Use Rules and Regulations


Handgun Bays

  • ONLY HANDGUN CALIBERS are allowed in the handgun bays.

  • No Short Barrel Rifles (SBRs) or Pistols firing rifle calibers are allowed.

  • No Shotguns are allowed in this bay.

  • Do not shoot steel targets closer than 10 yards.

  • Do not move the steel targets.

  • Do not drive vehicles into the bays.

  • Please collect all spent casings and targets when finished shooting.

  • Targets shall be set to a height and shot from an angle that allows impact of the bullet to strike ONLY the target and berm and no other object/surface prior to impact with the berm.


RIM FIRE BAY (Handgun Bay 1)

  • Only RIM FIRE CALIBER may be used in this bay.

  • Do not shoot centerfire handgun, rifle, or shotguns ammunition in this bay. No exceptions.

  • Do not move steel targets.

  • Do not drive vehicles into this bay.

  • Collect all spent casings when finished shooting.


Archery Bay

  • No Firearms are permitted within this bay.

  • Recurve, Compound, and Crossbows ONLY. No exceptions.


50-Yard General-Purpose Bay

  • Do not drive vehicles into this bay.

  • Do not walk on top of the berms.

  • Use caution when entering the bay.

  • Handguns, Rifles and Shotguns may be used in this bay.

  • Targets, trash, and all spent shell casings should be collected when you are finished shooting.

  • Firing is NOT permitted in any other direction other than downrange into the target or berm. DO NOT shoot towards the entrance of the bay.

  • There is only ONE firing line in this bay.

  • Targets shall be set to a height and shot from an angle that allows impact of the bullet to strike the target and/or berm ONLY, with no other object and/or surface being hit prior to impact.

  • Targets are not permitted on the barricades.

  • Do not shoot the targets frames/stands or barricades.

  • The following calibers are allowed in the GP Bay (Pistol, Shot Gun Game loads, Frangible 5.56, .223 and 300 Blk out Only)


Rifle Bay

  • Do not shoot forward of the red static firing line.

  • The rifle line is ONE firing line in this bay.

  • Bullets must impact the target or berm.

  • All shooters are required to follow the operational commands for a HOT or COLD range.

  • Shooters on the line should be courteous of other shooters; verbally checking/coordinating with them as to when the range will be transitioning from hot to cold and vice-versa.

  • Shooters are required to use the RED LIGHT/ALARM switch before going down range.

  • When the RED LIGHTS/ALARM ARE ON: The range is COLD, and ALL shooters should CEASE FIRE IMMEDIATELY. Even if you are the only person utilizing the range, you are still required to turn the range cold prior to changing out your targets.

  • Firearms must be unloaded, source of ammunition removed, and bolts open during a cease fire.

  • DO NOT HANDLE YOUR FIREARM WHEN THE RANGE IS COLD. No looking through scopes, no unpacking firearms, no cleaning firearms. Your firearm should be placed down on the table or holstered and left untouched during a cease fire AND you should remain behind the red firing line.

  • Cased firearms may be taken to or from a vehicle when the range is cold but must remain in the CLOSED case until the range goes hot once again.

  • Once the RED LIGHTS/ALARM ARE OFF: The range is HOT. Once a visual check has been done to confirm that no one is downrange, shooters may begin loading their firearm and/or begin firing.

  • The red lights/alarm are generally left off when the range is not occupied. Upon arrival at the range, if the lights are off, visually verify that no one is downrange before loading and/or firing your firearm.

  • Please collect all spent casings as well as targets when you are finished shooting.

  • Do not move steel targets from where they are positioned.

  • After shooting steel targets, please repaint them, using black or white paint, which you can bring with you or purchase from the range office.

  • Targets at 50 yards are for zeroing only.

  • No 50 BMG, 300RUM, or 338 Lapua

  • Only Frangible ammunition on targets at 400, 500 and 600 yards.


FIREARMS SHOULD NEVER BE DISCHARGED OUTSDIE OF THE DESIGNATED SHOOTING BAYS; meaning all shooting should take place within the perimeter of the bay and not from the parking lot area. Additionally, you should only shoot at targets that are directly in front of you. Shooting diagonally across any of the bays is strictly prohibited. If you wish to shoot at a different target, you will need to adjust your shooting position.


For the safety of all those using the range facility as well as the neighbors in the area, there is zero tolerance for rule violations. Any member/guest caught breaking the rules may be asked to leave the facility and/or have their membership revoked. If a person violates the rules of the facility, and access to the facility is revoked due to that violation, said person will no longer be allowed on Champion Defense property and will be considered trespassing thereafter. Any such trespassers will be removed by law enforcement, if necessary, and fully prosecuted.

©2019 by Champion Defense L.L.C. Proudly created with

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